Avra Margariti
Queer author and poet from Greece
Contact email: [email protected]
Twitter: @avramargariti
Speculative Fiction: Cast of Wonders, Daily Science Fiction, Flash Fiction Online, Baffling Magazine, Lackington's, Fusion Fragment, If There's Anyone Left, The Arcanist, etc.
Speculative Poetry: Asimov's, Grimscribe Press, Arsenika, The Future Fire, Reckoning, Love Letters to Poe, Liminality, Eye to the Telescope, etc.
Full-length horror poetry collection "The Saint of Witches" forthcoming from Weasel Press
Literary Microfiction: SmokeLong Quarterly, The Forge, Matter Press, Wigleaf, Chestnut Review, Okay Donkey, Longleaf Review, matchbook, Milk Candy Review, etc.
Nominated for the Pushcart Prize x7, Best of the Net x3
Winner: Best Small Fictions, Best Microfiction x2